BookISH : Cara Terindah Untuk Mati (1)

Jul 20, 2014

I bought this book during last Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair (KLIBF 2014). I can't recall from which booth though. i got some discount but the actual price was RM 17. I'm never that fond of reading books actually. However i do recall that i always compete with friend on Nilam during high school (that book where you record your reading and submit to your teacher. They give prizes each week for those who read the most). So now i'm somewhat trying to become that person back. But i try to choose better books which is not really my genre. Like this fellow.

I read fictional. it is easier for me to digest as i am that person who likes to dream much. This kind of book wasn't that easy though. I easily got lost and i got that feeling that it just repeat stuff though it really wasn't. this would then causes me to read SLOWER. Still, i love this book and to make a better understanding i decided to write some as i read it. Which of course would make that finish line even SLOWER to reach. Well~

oh my. it's in BM and i'm writing in English.

oh my.

Bab Satu : Manusia , Jasad dan Roh

Manusia azalinya berasal dari Allah. Bersifat nur (cahaya), roh (hidup) dan ghaib (tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar). Azalinya berasal dari Allah merujuk kepada manusia sendiri yang terbahagi kepada dua bahagian; rohani (roh) dan jasmani (fubuh badan). Rohani kita dicipta dari cahaya dan roh Allah. Roh pertama sekali yang dicipta adalah roh Nabi Muhammad SAW yang dibuat daripada nur jamal (cahaya keindahan Allah). Manakali jasmani kita berasal daripada beberapa unsur seperti air dan beberapa jenis tanah dan proses penciptaan manusia selepas Nabi Adam dan Hawa adalah melalui kandungan ibu.

Kemudian perbincangan mengenai bentuk-bentuk roh. Sepertimana manusia secara fizikal nya berbeza-beza rupa, roh juga mempunyai bentuk yang berbeza. 

Surah Al Maidah, Ayat 60

Katakanlah: Mahukah, aku khabarkan kepada kamu tentang yang lebih buruk balasannya di sisi Allah daripada yang demikian itu? Ialah orang-orang yang dilaknat oleh Allah dan dimurkaiNya dan orang-orang yang dijadikan di antara mereka sebagai kera dan babi dan penyembah Taghut. Mereka inilah yang lebih buruk kedudukannya dan yang lebih sesat dari jalan yang betul.

Surah Hud, Ayat 24

Bandingan dua golongan (yang kafir dan yang beriman) itu samalah seperti orang yang buta serta pekak, dengan orang yang celik serta mendengar; kedua-dua golongan itu tidaklah sama keadaannya. (Setelah kamu mengetahui yang demikian) maka tidakkah kamu mahu mengambil peringatan dan insaf? 

Ayat pertama menjelaskan bentuk roh sebagai kera dan babi dek perangai mereka yang buruk. Manakala ayat kedua menjelaskan keadaan orang kafir yang mana roh mereka digambarkan sebagai pekak dan buta. Keadaan roh seseorang adalah berkait dengan amalan mereka. Rohani yang sakit menyebabkan seseorang itu tidak boleh melihat kebaikan dan kebesaran Allah SWT. 

Menurut imam Ghazali, akhlak yang baik menjadikan roh kita suci, indah wangi dan lembut. Akhlah berkait dengan bentuk roh kita. Sebagai contoh, individu yang sering menurut hawa nafsunya digambarkan mempunyai roh berbentuk seperti babi.

Namun perlu diingatkan bahawa asal roh itu suci kerana berasal daripada Allah SWT. Namun perubahannya berlaku apabila disatukan dengan tubuh badan dan dijadikan manusia dan apabila kita mati roh itu akan kembali dengan pelbagai rupa selari dengan perbuatan kita di dunia.

Roh itu mempunyai pelbagai fungsi dalam tubuh manusia dan diibaratkan seperti arus elektrik yang dibekalkan di dalam satu rumah. Tanda-tanda kehidupan dalam rumah tersebut dapat dilihat apabila peralatan eletrik seperti lampu, tv, peti ais dan sebagainya dapat berfungsi. Namun "tenaga elektrik" roh yang lemah mungkin tak mampu melaksanakan tugasannya dengan baik dan kegagalan roh dapat dilihat apabila manusia gagal membezakan hak dan batil ataupun halal dan haram.

Roh atau turut digelar jiwa mempunyai beberapa fungsi tersendiri :
  1. Mendorong akal berfikir.
  2. Merasai perasaan ketuhanan dan makhluk
  3. Pemahanan ayat Al Quran yang kukuh 
  4. Menzahirkan fitrah semulajadi manusia
Bagi memastikan roh kita dalam keadaan terbaik, kita perlu memberi makanan secukupnya kepada roh kita. Salah satunya dengan memberi cahaya Ilahiyah iaitu dengan beribadat kepada Allah SWT sama ada yang wajib ataupun sunat seperti solat, puasa, zikir, selawat, istighfar dan sebagainya. Manakala bagi mengembangkan kemampuan roh kita perlu memantapkan aspek intelektual kita dengan menuntut ilmu ketuhanan (rabbaniyah) seperti ilmu syariat, ilmu hakikat, ilmu tasawuf dan ilmu tauhid.

Tanda-tanda roh yang sakit :
  1. mudah ragu-ragu
  2. berburuk sangka
  3. lemah semangat / kurang keyakinan
  4. malas beribadah
  5. gelisah dan resah
  6. tekanan
roh yang sakit akan mudah dijangkita penyakit dengki, takbur, ujub dan seumpamanya. 

Tanda-tanda roh yang sihat :
  1. bergetar hatinya apabila disebutkan nama zat Allah
  2. iman yang meningkat dengan bacaan al quran
  3. mudah menerima dan menyampaikan kebenaran
  4. selalu beribadat
  5. sentiassa gembira
  6. tidak takut apa-apa melainkan Allah kerana merasakan diri sangat dekat dengan Allah

i love this book. now i got better understanding on the first chapter though i think i would read it again sometime. hope i can write on the next chapter as soon as possible.

till next time~

Roll On : Monorail vs LRT vs KTM

Jul 18, 2014

(i'm writing as if a UKM KL students were reading)

When you live in KL, these thing is an absolute important. You can almost go everywhere around KL with these, if you plan smart. And also some walking of course. You can also manage some distance into Selangor also. New addition to LRT will go all the way to Puchong. Just a few steps away to my aunt house. Sadly it is scheduled to finish when i'll graduate. Pfft~

I hate KTM. Somehow it is amazingly slow sometimes. But it really help when you want to go somewhere distances into Selangor. Especially being UKM student, if you were to go to UKM Bangi, this is your number one choice. But if you have car or can get hand on it, just drive. It will save a lot of time. 

 My route would be taking LRT to Bandar Tasik Selatan and switch to KTM from there to UKM Bangi. The LRT might take half an hour. KTM on the other hand really depends on your fate. If you didnt have to wait long, it maybe something around 30 to 40 minutes. From there you can take a taxi to UKM. Make sure you know which part of UKM you want to go since some department may have been allocated to new buildings. But some main one might still be in Pusanika. 

Usually you will need to go to UKM Bangi when you have things that is so important it need to be dealt right away right there. Meaning here, you don't always need to go there actually. There is a staff from Unit Kebajikan Pelajar that come once a week to help you to deal stuff with UKM Bangi. I think these system where someone from Bangi come every now then in a month thing was just established for a year i think. It is so convenience. So pull your life accodingly so that you won't end up need to be in Bangi. It takes times when you don't really have much to spend with.

OK. Back to main discussion.

Monorail and LRT were faster. But monorail got shorter routes and shorter trains also. It focused mainly in KL only. LRT got longer route (into Selangor) and longer trains. When you're going somewhere do locate nearest LRT or monorail or KTM station. Then simply open RapidKL website and see what kind of route you need to take. It really is simpler now. But sometimes you got to do it manually also.



Like the route i use to go to Bangi, Rapid KL website will use other route. It got something on gettin you on KTM as soon as possible. But, as i was saying, KTM we're quite slow, so i am using much LRT as possible and when you a little outside of KL, like BTS, the KTM were faster somehow. Try to ask senior first when you were going out or just take a thorough hard look into the route maps.


Most importantly, I would really suggest you to use your IC as your touch n go card since it will work everywhere and for free. Free here mean that you didnt need to spend money to buy the card as in touch n go and rapidKL card. Just go to the counter at lrt or ktm or monorail that sell the topup and simply as them to top up. The tricky part is it is quite hard to find counter that provide such service, as compared to the RapidKL card that is simply can be top up at the self service machine that you use to buy token to get into the train. That is why i always topup like rm10 or rm20 when i do find one. 

Funnily, topup at the counter are faster than the machine. Not many people queing for it. Well, no one actually. I never actually queue for topup. On top of that, it is really convenience since i can simply put it in my phone case (the one that got cover over the screen one) and since it is my IC, of course i would never want to forget to bring it and well, admit it, we rarely forget to bring our phone anywhere. Problem solved Like a boss.

one more thing. if you want to go to MidValley, take LRT to Bangsar and simply take Midvalley shuttle bus from there. Save some money and well, let just say i really don't like KTM.

oh. the most important thing! If you don't have any card, simply go to the self service machine, it will show you the map route and tap on your destination. slip into some money and you will get a blue token. Simply touch the token on the scanner to open the gate and going in and slip the token into the slot to open the gate when you want to go in. this is for monorail and self service machine. 
self service machine at lrt and monorail (credit)
the ktm self service machine were quite weird actually. people usually just buy the ticket from counter directly.

 learn more here
learn how to use this HERE

 thats all. bye!