Sometimes, like just now, my family members (usually it was my dad) will push the front door rather forcefully and it is just so loud. I mean, is it really necessary guys? The door wasn't even locked.
Apart from that, I was having a rather good month. Of all the long weekend, I wasn't assigned to work on any of those weekend shift so I got the weekend all to myself. I need to work this weekend but I got off days since Wednesday and I also got next Monday and Tuesday off too. However, even with all those free time, I just don't have the time to update my blog. I left the @twtblogger_MY account inactive too because I simply forgot. I was supposed to continue painting my brother's room but I guess that can wait so here I am.
Anyway, I've been dreading this topic for the longest time. It is almost the end of September which highlighted these three rather important things.
- My two-year job contract is ending
- I have delayed this half-year review for three months
- I am still fat
Let's just get to it. As I have planned earlier this year, I need to do a review for every three months so we are now kinda killing two birds with one stone. I've been doing less of that monthly target which I should do as well in this post for October. Let's recap our New Year's resolution then.
Lose weight
All those planning to be more active dies. I tried going to the gym but I didn't continue after puasa and I thought of doing simple exercise at home which I only did once. I do eat better than before where I eat more junk food and I simply ate all the time but I still need to cut out sugar. I'm doing no sugary drink every other day and it was surprising how bad I was refraining myself. I need to eat less rice too. I was considering to join those weight loss coaching just to get their meal plan and the necessary push to actually do it. I'm not losing any weight but it wasn't increasing too so that's a win, I guess.
I'm on my eleventh book and Goodreads suggest to read one book per week if I want to reach my 25 books per year pledge. That was last week though. I thought of reading two local ebooks just to get a little speed. My copy of Langit Vanilla is still missing. I should probably finish Lord of The Nutcracker Men first. But I have read Wind/Pinball which is so confusing but feels so dear to me and also Breathe which is just amazing. I didn't read much but those that I have are some good masterpieces that just enriches me. I'm not saying that I know life better, but knowing those storyline and characters feels like I've been living those lives too. It was a good way to live life.
Money management
These past three months had seen me at my top money management game. I needed to pay my Hannan Medispa treatments and I also needed to buy some costly stuff on top of saving money for my car's service and insurance. I just need the bulk of these settled before October. I was amazed how well I manage my money and I even got some spare to do a little shopping. I still need to donate more though. Speaking of that, I should really do a monthly deduction for donation as well. I still not menabung.
Having Fun
I forgot that I need to plan for Sabah, Brunei, Singapore and Japan. I don't go anywhere really but a target is still a target. I really don't care on going for trips but it was annoying how peoples expects me to do so because I'm young, free etc etc. But I still have lot's of fun. I spend more time hanging out and chill with my friends and collegues. A friend of mine suddenly came to visit me the other day so we do a short trip to Kuala Selangor and Pangkor. I'm so going to watch It 2 in the since I never watched horror movies in cinemas.
Trying new things
I don't focus much on these because it was supposed to be that side thingss when I got extra time. But I think I should focus more into this for this last quarter of year. There are few thing I have highlighted which is having a pet, learn paint brush, learn mandarin, learn a music instrument and be minimalist. I don't think I'll have a pet. My housemate is raising a hamster and I thought this will serve as a good exposure but I don't even hold it once. I'm not scared, it was just borderline tedious, annoying and felt incredibly wrong too. I don't agree that she buys it instead of adopting one and that she did it to relieve stress. I don't know, it just feels wrong to treat animal like that. She only bought one and now I'm sad on how alone the hamster must feel.
I'm definitely learning ukelele. I just tweet about it the other day and some online friends of mine were being so supportive. I'll buy it on my next pay day. I have all the instrument for paint brush but I just don't feel like doing it much.
I try to learn Korean instead of Mandarin because apparently, the key to learn a new language is to learn one that you particularly fond of. I want to learn Mandarin because it will help with my work and that was it. At least with Korean, I like BTS songs and I do watch their variety shows which will help me learn it better. I have downloaded Duolingo but it was a bust. I think I need to redo it lol.
Minimalism is interesting. I keep on throwing stuff that just don't work anymore or try to use whatever I have until it finishes. It just feels refreshing to not have lots of stuff attached to me. Funnily, this addresses my poetry account that hasn't been updated for the longest time. I'm going to write it all back into my notebook (thus using up my book) and just start blank. I'm not sure what to expect though. I just like the idea of a blank page.
That was it.
Fun update - I just texted my dad saying that we wanted to buy ticket to Yogyakarta since AirAsia is having promotion. He says I can't go without a mahram. I'm practically stupefied since then.
I could just get married.
Minimalism is interesting. I keep on throwing stuff that just don't work anymore or try to use whatever I have until it finishes. It just feels refreshing to not have lots of stuff attached to me. Funnily, this addresses my poetry account that hasn't been updated for the longest time. I'm going to write it all back into my notebook (thus using up my book) and just start blank. I'm not sure what to expect though. I just like the idea of a blank page.
That was it.
Fun update - I just texted my dad saying that we wanted to buy ticket to Yogyakarta since AirAsia is having promotion. He says I can't go without a mahram. I'm practically stupefied since then.
I could just get married.

Ok now, let's keep on being productive. I need to put some targets for October. I haven't been doing proper targets for months. I think the best ones was earlier this year only. Plus, since my two year contract is ending, I'm not even sure where I will be in the next two weeks but oh boy, October is busy busy busy!
First of all, my Hannan Medispa sessions. I just finished my fifth treatment and as I said before, I'll update once I finished my fourth session so yeah. There's that. Plus, since my acne is clearing up well, the staff will do this treatment (which I conveniently forgotten the name) that will cause this intense peeling and a downtime of 10 days that will help lighten my scars. I need to like at least have few off days after the session and I need to time is during my period because my face can't touch water for the first 12 hours. This is very puzzling. Omg, I forgot that I only tweeted this thing. FYI, I was having a minor breakout and I did some treatments in Hannan Medispa as they just opened up a new branch near my home.
Secondly, I need to have my car serviced and start researching more about my car's insurance plan. I will have my NCD cut plus I want to add windscreen into my plan so I guess some research is needed. I was thinking to buy it from my friends. I think there's some highschool of mine who are agents.

Thirdly, speaking of car. I need to give the necessary support for my sister who is taking her car and motorcycle lessons. I don't even trust her with motorcycle but Walid is adamant for us to all have both motorcycle's and car's license after we reached the legal age.
Next, some fun miscellaneous stuff. There's two place I need to go to eat for two separate reason. The first one is this restaurant that is kinda good but some people says that the quality just decreases madly during Ramadhan. I made it a mission with my friend to confirm it. The second place is this good chicken rice place that I need to introduce it to my other friend. Also, I never watches horror movies in cinemas so I made it a goal to watch It Chapter 2. I am so not watching it alone. There's also this shopping plan. A friend at work was planning to shop for tudung bawal at this really cheap place here. We're going to bring our clothes so we could match it with the tudung. It was only RM4.90 each. We went there before and bought these two super cute baju kurung each as it was only RM39.90. On top of all of that, the most important thing is I need to buy a ukelele!
To end this, here are some blogging topic I need to write. Hopefully.
- My Hannan Medispa experience
- That library in Aeon
- My short Kuala Selangor trip + Mustawa Cafe review
- My experience eating at Big Whale Cafe
I almost forgot - if I didn't get a permanent job in the government, I need to start job hunting. Also, I need to do a good timeline on what to update in @twtblogger_MY.
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