I wanted so badly to write but I don't want to be writing factual-ish stuff. I want to ramble. So here I am, rambling. I am going to talk about how my days have been and I wanted to slightly highlight my work just to remind myself that this is the major part of my life now.
In numbers, my life was rather simple. I'm a staff at outpatient which means the counter where you took your medicine. There are a whole lot of stuffs happening behind that counter. I worked 8 to 5 shift unless if I have an evening shift which means until 10pm. It's usually about once or twice per month. I'll usually have one weekend-shift per month and about one or two night-shift (10pm to 8am) on weekdays. We are a small district hospital with only one specialist - a psychiatrist. We still have other clinics with a specialist but those specialists are visiting ones. We received around 150 to almost 300 patients per day (the higher ends being during clinic days). I took care of this service called Collect n Go (someplace called it Kad Temujanji) and some medicines supply. That's pretty much it.
Work has been mundane but I tried to do more things daily just to get the gear moving. We've been having insulin stock problems for weeks so now we got busy on counseling patients to use syringes instead since the only stock we manage to get our hands on were of a different brand from the insulin pen we're using. Complicated huh? Imagine needing to explain those. Apart from that, there this problem where my patience with these stuck-up MO's got really thin. I hardly got much respect for them anymore. I should really start to look for a new job before my contract ends though.
Most importantly, I am so grateful that I got some good friends here. It was fun. I didn't realize since when but I make this mental image that today's going to be a good day because I got to meet my friends. I could really be myself joking around and singing nonsense. I put on a good make-up look today and incessantly tell everyone I'm pretty and the annoyed looks are so worth it. We're going bowling tomorrow!
Not to forget my friends from PRP-ship as well. These are even better. These are the true warrior of the last-minute plan and an awful lot of good times. Sometimes I do feel weird that these bonds can simply be put into jeopardy once we got married. It was so silly isn't it?
I couldn't find my IQ84 for the whole last week and it turns out I left it at home. Reading has been so slow since I'm determined to finish this damn thick fellow first. Plus, I've been putting it away because Murakami's work needs a whole lot of attention and being tired after work the whole day isn't really conducive. I find myself sometimes missing the serene calmness that came from reading the book. It was a good feeling thing to feel such wanton. #lol

I can hardly write any poetry too. I can't bring myself to focus on the whole process. I miss writing poetry so bad.
I tried to watch more award-winning movies. It's been a while. These movies are usually rather heavy and for the past year I have opted out "heavy movies" and choose to watch simpler ones. Action-packed and horror are my usual go-to. It seems that these deep and intriguing movies had won my attention once again and I managed to watch 1917, Jojo Rabbit and the so overdue Us. So good, highly recommended.
I made myself marathoning Kimetsu No Yaiba. Turns out the story picks up once more characters were introduced which happened mid-season. Now I'm eager for a new season. There is this anime called "Fugou Keiji: Balance: UNLIMITED" which looks good. Not sure when I'm going to start watching it though.
As for tv-series, I'm only watching Brooklyn 99 and only now got to the fourth season. The second season of Diableros and Chilling Adventure of Sabrina has been up. However, I only watched the first episode halfway through and just don't feel like committing. Altered Carbon still catches my attention but not having Joel Kinnaman as Takeshi Kovacs just brings a totally different dynamic. Anthony Mackie is good but it feels so different. The anger and the playfulness are different and thus a different Altered Carbon. I'm glad that we still have Poe.
My skin has been good to me. Although the need to always wear a mask has been a constant threat for jaw's acne but apart from that. I am quite good. Speaking of mask, please take a good care of yourself to make sure you don't get infected with COVID-19. The infected cases in Malaysia almost double in the span of three days! KKM is doing a good job at contact tracing.
I mostly stayed with the basics these days - double cleansing, toner, moisturizer and serum. It has been a while since I wore a sheet mask. I tried to wear make-up more frequently which is mostly due to guilt that I have these stuffs but not wearing it. I tried to keep it simple to motivate me to be consistent. I love playing with eyeshadow! I still have two more sessions with Hannan Medispa. I wanted my skin turnover to be complete first so I'm planning to do my next session at least by the end of the month.
I think this is it. There some other random stuff I wanted to highlight but don't really belong anywhere.
- I want to do a massage so badly but I want to buy so many things this month plus I just had the car serviced.
- I NEED TO DISCONTINUE MY CREDIT CARD. I only really need it to buy blog's theme at Etsy and to book a place at Airbnb.
- I love BTS's new album! ON is so good and I am so happy that it has a dance break as well. Everyone looks so good too.
- I tried to shampoo and conditioned my hair more frequently now. I guess it won't hurt much since the products I use is so gentle and I'm getting better with hair care too. Let see what will happen.
- My tudung bawal haven't been cooperating well these days and I just don't know why.
Last but not least -

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