Roll on : Stop Doing That !!

Nov 8, 2013

Assalammualaikum and good morning!

you know something, i used to be crazily blogging. do blogwalking here and there. chit chat over the FB with other bloggers. always make renovation on my blog. and stuff.

that is when i just joined blogging. it was after SPM and i got lots of spare time. and then get muself a work and this blog things start to become hard to commit too. after that, comes matriculation times where i rarely do any post . seeing i actually got 3++ followers (during my rajin time i always joined contest to popularize my blog) was actually hard to accept since my blog are full of nothing but my crappy thought. now, this blog seem like "hidup segan, mati tak mahu"

so, now i am quite back to blog. am i ? haha, this is quit tricky. i'm in my mid sem break so i got some spare time. God knows that i would be super busy when i start my study back.

but, i love to blog during time. it sort of, releasing my tense. very cool way to improve my writing also. though i always failed to recheck before posting and end up with lot of spelling error.

so, the "Stop Doing That !!" here might be would mean,  don't leave my blog unattend.


this list is to remind me some annoying habits of mine that kind of held me back.

  1. Procnastination. Need to do listing and start working from that list.
  2. Last minute work. Kind of like the first point. 
  3. Google thingsssssssssss. It is fun to know stuff, but it is too time consuming.
  4. Leave all my new books just like that. I need to finish all of those.
  5. Get tensed on your own. Got single room now. Quite lazy to go to my friends room. I think i need too so i can release my tense by talking and also would help my ukhwah
  6. Think that i can do that or i'm not that good or i'm too shy or that is stupid. Cause it is NOT
  7. Thinking too much. it really does burden me.
  8. put my things all over the place. habis bersepah
  9. eat too much junk food and sugar. and cold drinks. need to take care of my health.
  10. only focus on certain class. that i'm interested only, need to focus on all and take notes!
  11. start studying my lecture note too late. need to read it earlier so can do some clarification on things that i need to focus. can ask lecturer also.
  12. making excuses. to others and to myself!
  13. think bad about people. i need to have the way of think such that everyone is better than me. 
  14. twisting other peoples mind. hehe. well, only on those that i do  purely for my benefit.
  15. well, this list may go on and on

so, let us change and be istiqamah!

and nothing even feel more right that to do it Islam way!

Roll on : Reinvent Yourself with a Plan and Sunnah

Nov 5, 2013

So, regarding to my previous post, i have told that i want to construct a plan that enable me to reinvent myself. the main idea is, i was hoping this plan can help me to become a better person than yesterday and here it is! 

Since the explanations why i choose to do this and that were quite long, this plan may require about 3 parts. Please correct my facts if i wrong and do suggest any thing that i can do to improve myself. Thanks!!


Assalammualaikum ! :)

Feeling rather great now, maybe because i have jogged this evening. My stamina was so gone, i tried to put myself as hard as i could, and it really is feel great! but, having asthma surely was not pleasant as i easily become breathless. more jogs for me then. 

Ok. back to main point. this plan of mine was designed to comply with busy lifestyle as a student and my most annoying bad habit which is difficulty waking up in the morning.

First Step

To wake constantly at 5.30 am everyday. This is quite a challenge for me as i always wake up after 6.30 am. not good at all as i am very late for my Subuh prayer! but insyaAllah with istiqamah, i would be able to make this as my lifetime habit . i used to learn somewhere saying, if you manage to do one thing for 40 days straight, it would become a habit and if you maintain to do it, you will be doing it, insyaAllah, for the rest of your life. But the trick is, you have to make it is 40 days staright. if you missed a day, you need to recount / redo it.

Why i choose 5.30 am? here is where the sunnah part play.

Nabi Muhammad PBUH used to wake up before subuh so that he can do Subuh prayer on time. he would also do tahajjud first, i mean before Subuh time come, and he would sat after Subuh and recite mathurat (and maybe some other things he also do, sorry, i'm not quite sure) until Subuh time finish and about 10 minute after syuruk, if i'm not mistaken, he would do solat sunat isyrak. 

Wake up at 5.30 am
Say alhamdulillah
Read doa waking up from sleep
Have a shower
Solat sunat tahajud (if sempat)
subuh prayer on time, 
read the mathurat and 
end it with solat sunat isyrak. 

So, you might be thinking, you cannot simply jump on to wake up at 5.30 am when you always wake one hour later! Yup, i would never trust my self too, so i construct a plan to help me to wake up in the morning. 

I Google some tips to help me wake up in the morning, being realistic as i am, i point out some tips which is thought would be really working out for me.

  • The main thing is i must have enough sleep, so i must sleep exactly at 11 pm!
  • Do some movement first when i wake up. the idea is, upon stretching, for example, i would feel more concious and do not sleep back. just simply strectch my leg and my hand, not like when you are warming up before doing strenuous activities. twist here and there and this would even help my blood flow and thus making me feel more awake. 

  • Quickly have a glass  of plain water. it would even make me feel more concious and also a very good habit for your health. some say it would make you look younger and prettier. :D

Since i have wake up as Nabi Muhammad PBUH did, i think it would be even better to do some practice that Nabi Muhammad PBUH do before he goes to sleep. Got this from here. Refet the highlighted parts. the part that i want to do.


Antara Sunnah-sunnah Nabi saw sebelum, ketika dan selepas tidur:

1. Membaca Surah As-Sajdah dan Surah Al-Mulk

 Dari Jabir bin Abdullah, Beliau berkata:
 “Rasulullah tidak akan tidur hingga beliau membaca Surah As-Sajdah dan Surah Al-Mulk” (HR Ahmad, Tirmidzi, Nasai dan Hakim dalam Sahih al-Jami’ dan Silsilah Ahadis As-Sahihah)

2. Nabi SAW memberi peringatan agar mengkebutkan (membersih atau kibas) tempat tidur kita. Ini berdasarkan hadis: 
Dari Abu Hurairah dia berkata Nabi SAW bersabda :
 ” Jika seseorang kalian pergi ke katil tidurnya, hendaklah ia mengibas atau membersihkan katilnya dengan bahagian dalam sarungnya, kerana dia tidak mengetahui apa yang ada di sebalik katilnya. Setelah itu ia berdoa ” Dengan nama-Mu, wahai Rabbku, aku letakkan badanku, dan dengan nama-Mu pua aku bangkit kembali, dan Jika Engkau tahan jiwaku, maka rahmatilah ia. Jika engkau biarkan lepas, maka jagalah ia sebagaimana Engkau menjaga jiwa-jiwa hambaMu yang soleh.” - Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari no. 6320, Muslim no. 2714.
3. Jangan tidur menghadap kaki arah Qiblat. Ini adalah kedudukan tidur orang yang telah mati.

4. Barangsiapa yang membaca Tasbih Fatimah, sekiranya dia mati malam itu, dia akan dikira sebagai mati syahid. Apa itu Tasbih Fatimah? Subhanallah 33 kaliAlhamdulillah 33 kaliAllahuakbar 34 kali.

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a katanya, Fatimah meminta kepada nabi s.a.w seorang khadam (pembantu) dan mengadukan bahawa beliau terlalu penat bekerja. Jawab nabi s.a.w :”Engkau tidak akan mendapatkannya daripada kami. Mahukah engkau kutunjukkan sesuatu yang lebih baik daripada seorang khadam? Iaitu, tasbih 33 kali, tahmid 33 kali dan takbir 34 kali ketika engkau hendak tidur.” (Muslim)
5. Baca 3 Qul tiup ke tapak tangan dan sapu keseluruh badan untuk menghindarkan sihir dan niat jahat manusia.

Kemudian sapu kedua-dua tapak tangan ke seluruh bahagian tubuh yang dapat dicapai, dimulakan dengan kepala, muka, belakang, dan dilakukan sedemikian sebanyak tiga kali. (Mafhum daripada hadis yang direkodkan oleh Bukhari)
6. Niat untuk bangun Tahajjud. Tahajjud adalah sebaik-baik pelindung daripada sihir dan buatan orang.
Hadis riwayat Imam al-Nasa’i dalam Sunannya, Kitab Qiyam al-Lail, no: 1763. Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
Sesiapa yang (berniat) akan mengerjakan solat malam, lalu tertidur, Allah pasti menulis untuknya pahala solat malam dan tidurnya merupakan sedekah untuknya.
7. Ambil wudhu sebelum tidur dan Solat Sunat Taubat 2 rakaat.
Sabda Nabi Muhammad SAW didalam hadith riwayat Ibnu Hibban:
Barangsiapa yang tidur dalam keadaan suci, tidur pada pakaiannya malaikat. Maka ia tidak bangun (ketika terjaga) kecuali berkata malaikat (berdoa): “Ya Allah berilah keampunan kepada hambaMu sifulan (disebut nama oleh malaikat dalam doanya ini) kerana sesungguhnya ia telah tidur dalam keadaan suci.
8. Membaca do'a tidur. Ramai orang memperlekehkan doa Masnun (doa harian) tapi hakikatnya harga yang Allah swt janjikan adalah syurga.
Berdasarkan hadith riwayat Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, at-Tirmizi, an-Nasai (didalam ‘Amal al-Yaum Wa al-Lailah):
Adalah Rasulullah SAW apabila masuk tidur Baginda membaca:
بِاسْمِكَ اللَّهُمَّ أَحْيَا وَأَمُوْتُ
(Dengan namaMu Ya Allah aku hidup dan mati)
9. Tidur cara Rasulullah saw dengan mengiring badan ke kanan dan tapak tangan di bawah pipi.
Dan dalam hadith riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, an-Nasai (didalam ‘Amal al-Yaum Wa al-Lailah), Ibnu as-Sunni dari Hafshah RA katanya: Sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW apabila hendak tidur, meletakkan tangan kanannya dibawah pipinya kemudian membaca sebanyak tiga kali:
اللَّهُمَّ قِنِى عَذَابَكَ يَوْمَ تَبْعَثُ عِبَادَكَ
Maksudnya: Ya Allah, peliharalah aku dari azabMu pada hari Engkau membangkitkan hamba-hambaMu.
10. Membaca Surah al-Kaa-firun
Sabda Nabi Muhammad SAW didalam hadith riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, at-Tirmizi, an-Nasai (didalam ‘Amal al-Yaum Wa al-Lailah), ad-Darimi, Ibnu Hibban, al-Hakim, Ibnu as-Sunni:
Apabila kamu berbaring ditempat tidurmu maka bacalah “al-Kaa-firun” kemudian tidurlah di atas penyudahnya kerana sesungguhnya ia adalah perlepasan dari syirik.
11. Maafkan semua kesalahan manusia pada kita dan halalkan semua hutang piutang sebelum tidur.

12. Jika mimpi buruk . istiqfar 3x (buat isyarat ludah ke sebelah kiri) dan balikkan bantal 
       Jika mimpi yang baik, buat sujud syukur dan solat hajat. Semoga Allah memperkenankan.

13. Menyapu kesan-kesan tidur pada muka dengan tangan 

Imam Nawawi dan Imam Ibn Hajar meriwayatkan, sunat menyapu kesan-kesan tidur yang terlekat pada muka dengan menggunakan tangan apabila bangun daripada tidur. Ini berdasarkan hadis Rasulullah S.A.W.:  
Daripada Ibn ‘Abbas RA katanya:
Maksudnya: “Suatu malam dia pernah tidur di rumah Maimunah isteri nabi SAW yang juga merupakan emak saudara beliau, lalu saya berbaring di hujung tempat tidur, dan Rasulullah SAW bersama isteri baginda berbaring di sepanjang tempat tidur, Rasulullah SAW tidur sehingga pertengahan malam atau sebelum atau selepasnya sedikit, baginda bangun, dan duduk sambil menyapu tidur (kesan tidur) dari muka baginda dengan tangan.”
(HR al-Bukhari dan Muslim) 

14. Membaca do'a sesudah bangun dari tidur:
اَلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ الَّذِى أَحْيَانَا بَعْدَمَا أَمَاتَنَا وَإِلَيْهِ النُّشُورُ
Maksudnya : Segala puji bagi Allah yang menghidupkan aku kembali setelah mematikan aku dan kepada Allah akan bangkit

15. Perkara yang perlu dilakukan sesudah bangun dari tidur.
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a : Rasulullah saw bersabda, “Apabila salah seorang dari kalian tidur, maka syaitan mengikat tiga ikatan di atas kepalanya. Setiap ikatan diikat dengan berkata ‘Malam masih panjang, tidurlah’.

(a). Jika ia bangun lalu berzikir kepada Allah, maka lepaslah satu ikatan.
(b). Jika ia berwudhuk, maka lepaslah ikatan yang lainnya dan
(c). Jika ia mengerjakan solat maka lepaslah semua ikatannya (ikatan syaitan itu).

Sehingga pada pagi harinya (apabila bangun dari tidur) ia berjiwa lapang dan bersemangat. Sedangkan jika ia tidak melakukan hal tersebut (bangun malam lalu berzikir, berwudhuk dan solat) maka pada pagi harinya, jiwanya akan buruk dan malas.” [1606]
16. Bersugi.
"Rasulullah SAW, apabila bangun daripada tidur, beliau menggosok giginya menggunakan siwak (kayu sugi)"
(HR Bukhari dan Muslim)
Ini hanya sedikit sahaja amalan-amalan dari Rasulullah saw dan banyak lagi yang terdapat dalam hadis-hadis sahih yang lain. Sekiranya kita tidak mampu buat semua perkara di atas, janganlah pula kita meninggalkan semuanya. Berusahalah buat sekadar yang termampu. InsyaAllah moga-moga Allah mempermudahkan.
Peringatan : Saat Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam melihat seorang sahabatnya yang tidur meniarap, Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam mengejutnya seraya bersabda: “Bangunlah! Ini ialah posisi tidur yang dibenci oleh Allah.” (Sahih Adab Al Mufrad – Karangan Imam Bukhari)
- Secara umumnya ada 4 cara tidur...yang mana satukah pilihan sahabat semua?

1. Tidur Para Nabi
Tidur terlentang sambil berfikir tentang kejadian langit dan bumi

2. Tidur para Ulama' dan ahli Ibadah
Mengiring ke sebelah kanan untuk memudahkan terjaga bagi solat malam

3. Tidur para raja yang haloba
Mengiring ke sebelah kiri untuk dicernakan makanan yang banyak dimakan

4. Tidur Syaitan
Menelungkup/meniarap seperti tidurnya ahli neraka

p/s: Insyaallah moga-moga kita istiqamah.

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So, i also believe, that we need to know  the fadhilat of the sunnah so that we can become even more determined to do it. These are some links for some sunnah that i have listed here in my plan

i would really suggest you to read to learn more about ibadah. It got a lot of ibadah and each of it was explained to great detail. it was such an awesome dakwah effort!

continue to next part. my eyes are tired for writing too long. 

roll on: a quick REMINDER

Nov 2, 2013

found this. captured. :)

roll on : pass exam

so, i finished my mid semester exam. 

one week of non stop studying. build up of stress and tiredness and some how at this kind of time, i always feel kind of thing empty feeling. since i want to focus on my studying and i build this distance of me with my usual friend that i always hang out with, and this quite a heart breaking moment though. it just that i feel quite hard to give effort for them since i start to focus on one thing, i 'll forget the rest. this is so not good for my social life, to live a separate life every now and then. need to improve on this. 

usually, this empty feeling may cause of "i don't know what to do" and actually "quite lazy to do anything". i would always prefer to spend this time by having a blast with my friend, it just that, with busy schedule and some annoying event happen here and there, it is quite hard. 

but i do i went out though. i went for Times Square and have my dinner at Vivo. I dont like it so much. their menu is quite plain. the taste also. didnt plan to go out actually, i simply join my other friends who have plan earlier to go out and even suggest them to try out some new and interesting place. that is how we ended up at Vivo. 

i don't own this.

so, the point is, i can be quite unpredictable. it is not like weird or what but at my kind of atmosphere, it kinda does. wie are the nerd. bring the crowd out. applause.

argh. what wrong lah with me. i want to say things but i can't as i feel it is quite not appropriate. to blog it out i mean.

oh ya. set up a list i need to take of during my one week mid semester break.

  1. my Pharmacy Practice course assignment. a video. due this monday. 
  2. edit picture for Epharmaline UKM magazine paperwork.
  3. call for sponsorship request for FiMa. this is going to be tense.
  4. gather materials for Immunology course assignment. also a video.
  5. deal with Dr Mohd for exhibition material. btw. Dr Mohd is hot. :)
  6. set up be a better person than yesterday plan. 
  7. and also plan on better lifestyle. diet adjustment plus routine exercise. getting fat lah me. :'(
  8. get my printer fix.
  9. oh ya. plan for my facial treatment. need to be seriousssssssssssssssssssssss.
  10. point out things that being covered in mid semester exam. for my juniors reference.
  11. point out things i always do that have to be stop.
  12. study plan also needed. no more excuse of not enough time to study.

basically, i want to reinvent myself. i got this kesedaran during this one week exam. i always want to do this reinvent myself thing but i either stucked or simply failed to follow the plan. but the determination feeling this time was quite lain daripada yang lain. maybe because i'm getting tired of not able to have good self dicipline. or maybe the idea that i'm getting older bothers me as i keep on my old and non productive way. yup. there is another one to my list. need to build self dicipline

#will post this planssssssssss of mine once i got it all fix. pray the best for me <3