i love going into people minds. Macam menakutkan sikit en? Jadi aku buat satu eksperimen kecil yang dengan fancy nya aku namakan "Human/Project". Ini versi pertama sekali. Sangat simple yang mana kena jawab satu soalan je. Versi akan datang pon macam ni la. Jawab satu soalan simple je.
The twist adalah aku dengan sengajanya pilih students universiti dan cuba variasikan kos yang diorang ambik. Sebab apa? Well, aku rasa lagi seronok belajar personaliti students lain + kawan aku sekarang mainly students
dengan bangganya aku persembahkan ,
Human/Project (1)
3 important advices for students out there ? (tiga nasihat penting untuk para pelajar lain)
Kenapa aku mintak nasihat? Lain orang lain force yang menjana pergerakan mereka. Boleh jadi sebab kita belajar adalah sama tapi orang ni lagi berjaya dari orang ni. Dan sebagainya. Kadang-kadang mungkin kita sendiri tak berapa paham macam mana nak gerakkan diri. Sebagai students memang satu cabaran la nak buat diri terasa bermotivasi 24jam.
Nur Syahira Binti Jamel 22 Bachelor of Sport Science
- Always do the best to get better result.
- Never give up in study and life.
- Always think wisely before make decision.
Amiez, 22, Pharmacy
-Be awesome, study smart, be positive.
Raidah Hanisa Ruslan 25 Physiotherapist
- Dont waste time
- Read a lot of book not only related to your course because you are the future generations
- Study because of Allah not to chase after high pay career
Nurul Atilia Binti Abdullah,22, Dietetics
- Study smart, focus in the class during lectures and be modest.
Fir ,22, Medicine
- Our parents put their trust on you to study,, don't let them disappointed.
- Study, because your future depends on it.
- After struggling with studies, have faith on Allah, He is the best Helper
Hirzawati Atikah, 22, TESL
- When you want to do something, just do it and don't follow your friends.
- Travel while you still can because the experience you'll have is very valuable.
- Follow your passion even though you might have to choose a different path than what you already have.
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Nor Syahira bt Hasnan,22 years old, Counselling
- Study smart
- Make your dream become true
- Enjoy your life
- Make your dream become true
- Enjoy your life
Hanim, 22, Accounting- Respect others
- Behave accordingly
- Act wisely
Shela , 22, MBBS
- Choose your course based on your passion and make sure that passion lasts forever. Its really important.
- Try as hard as you can to achieve the success. Do whatever it takes ( in the good ways ) to make it a reality. Not just a dream.
- Help people around you because you will never know that one day you might need their help.
Nur Shazwani, 22yo,FFAR
- Betulkan niat belajar
- Selalu berdoa dan usaha
- Tawakal
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Nur Fatihah Ainun Hamzah, 25, Audiology
- Respect parents & lecturers,
- Study hard & study smart
- Be punctual
- Study hard & study smart
- Be punctual
Hmm, one thing aku perasan adalah students bukan la se klise di mana diorang just nak enjoy or tak matang or any stigma biasa orang selalu fikir. Kadang-kadang terdapat pelbagai potensi dalam satu-satu students tapi environment sebenarnya memainkan peranan penting dalam mengembangkan potensi ini. Sangat mengharukan bila mana "the force" dah ada tapi "the path" adalah masih kabur.
Apa nasihat korang pulak? Kongsikan di bahagian komen na? Ada cadangan soalan apa lagi nak tanya ?
Adios for now~
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